My parents, sister and Yori came up for the Labor Day Weekend to celebrate my birthday and see the girls. They arrived at 4AM on Thursday morning of last week and stayed until Labor Day. Sorry, but we didn't take many pictures this time! We were too busy doing other things. :)
This was the scene that morning at 4AM.
It was really great to have my family over. Thursday was a recovery day for my parents. They slept until about 11AM, then we headed out at 1230 to meet Joy for lunch at Willamette. After that, just waited for Joy to get home, and rested some more!
Friday was a busy day! We went to the Oregon Zoo in Portland and saw animals! We started the day off on a little adventure, and found ourselves at the Biscuits Cafe. :) It was a pretty amusing time there! My mom was impressed that Eden ordered porkchops, pancakes, hashbrowns and an egg... and finished it all!! After the cafe, it was Zoo time! Eden, Emma, and Sophie showed Nanay, Tita, and Lolo where all the cool animals were! It was nice to see my girls having a great time with my parents and my sister!
After the zoo, we headed on down to Uwajimasdifpwidfoawefiho... the japanese grocery store. :) While Nanay and Lolo were grocery shopping, Emma, Sophie, Tita and myself (with the grocery cart) got boba and looked at the fishies in the tank. After receiving our drinks we headed off and looked for them. Emma kept yelling, "LOLO!! NANAY!"... it was the cutest thing to hear, and so funny watching all the other people looking at her. She's so funny sometimes!
After the grocery store, we picked up Joy and had yummy dinner! Saturday was my birthday! Papa made a yummy breakfast of beef steak, rice, and lumpia! It rained that day, but it didn't damper anything... except for Joy's surprise for me. Apparently, she had scheduled a helicopter lesson for me that day, but with the clouds and weather the way it was, they had to postpone it until another day. Thank you babes! It was definitely the thought that counted! So, instead of getting a helicopter lesson, Joy, Tita, Emma and I went to Toys R US. There, they bought me Guitar Hero World Tour! YAY! We pretty much jammed out until Joy's parents, Grandma, and sister showed up for dinner. The In-laws gave me tickets to the Blazers/Suns game! WOOHOO! We even invited our neighbors, Michelle and her son John over for some prime rib, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, pancit, lumpia, and whatever else we had. It was DELICIOUS! Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated my birthday with me!
Sunday was church day! It was definitely a blessing to see my parents and sister at church! They got to see where Emma and Sophie go during the service. After church, we went to Bridgeport and had sushi at Sinju! We walked around and had a great time inside Z Gallerie. We left feeling a bit tired, and went home and rested. It was a great end to a wonderful Sunday.
Monday was sad... We were THIS close to getting Yori to stay with us until October. He was such a good dog the entire trip and he didn't pee or poop in the house at all... until that Sunday night, because SOMEONE (hint hint TITA!) didn't want to take him outside before going to bed!! HAHA... Anyways, my family left at 7AM, and arrived in Pinole at about 4ish... We skyped w/ them and my relatives in VA.
Alas, the weekend went by too fast. Yesterday, Joy went back to work, and the grind continues on.
Today is my parents 31 year anniversary! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MAMA AND PAPA! We love you! It's also Eden's first day as a 7th grader! I had to do a double take this morning to see what she was wearing. She just looked so old!! I'll have to take a picture of her and update the blog so you all can see what she wore today. :)
Thanks for reading, and again I apologize for the lack of pictures. Take care!