HI Everyone! I know it has been like almost a month since we last updated. I have no excuses just plain laziness. I won't go into a whole update but just touch on a few highlights.
We received a "new" package since Emma was a little whomped by the first one (see post below). Thanks Lolo, Nanay, and Tita! We are thoroughly enjoying the jelly beans! ^_^
We have begun our adoption process with Eden. We have filed legal papers with the court to have Albert's name officially on her birth certificate. Eden's name will be Weyand-Campos like her Mommy's. This was her choice since she was a Weyand first and now a Campos. The best of both worlds. Plus the Weyand name dies with our girls. I have to drag it out as long as possible! It is expected that the Court process for approval will take 2-3 months and then 1 1/2 to receive a new birth certificate. Aiya! We will keep you all updated.
Eden finished up a successful 6th grade year and is officially a 7th grader. She ended the year with a bang with 5 As and 2 Bs! This is her highest GPA thus far. We were beginning to worry since her GPA dropped to 3.25 but with a little incentive (new cellphone and text plan) she got right back on track! WTG Eden. On her last day we celebrated with sinigang with carrots (yes carrots) and a mini chocolate cheese cake.
Emma is sporting a new hairdo and is gearing up for our vacation/ family reunion/ baby shower to San Diego. My mom rented a San Diego Zoo movie to prepare her for the trip. She is super EXCITED! All she can talk about is the zoo and the beach. We are hoping to throw in a visit to Disneyland. We'll see. We will be leaving July 1st.
Sophie is growing so fast. She is rolling around all over the floor. As soon as you lay her down she is on her tummy. We can't leave her on a bed, changing table, or couch. She is sitting up nicely in her bumbo and even takes baths in it with her Ate Emma. They enjoy bath time together. She has cut her first tooth. It is on the bottom left side. She is drooling like crazy. She also has the cutest laugh and brightest smile. I just can't believe how much she has grown in her almost 5 months of life! I have almost completed her baby announcement cards so watch out for them in the mail!
It's flying Sophie!
Father day was great. Well it was more like a Father's day weekend. We took Albert out for a yummy crepe and coffee at French Press. We also got him a blender to make smoothies. He has been making smoothies every morning since. Eden and I cleaned the house and gave him the afternoon off to do as he liked. The next morning we skyped with Papa as he opened his gift and had dinner at my parents house. My dad grilled up some steaks and chicken kabobs. He opened his gift and Albert opened his (drill set, cause we are always borrowing my dad's).

My Sis is making the final move this weekend to Salem. My dad drove down today and is going to help my sister pack. They will drive up on Sunday! I can't wait. I wonder who will be the next to move up to Salem? hint hint!
I think I have caught everyone up to whats going on in our neck of the woods. I will try, can't promise, to be better about posting regularly... Till next time!