Our apologies for starting this blog out late, and honestly not telling everyone that we moved. It was all very sudden, and just as surprising. Joy and I thought that we'd never move up here; that it was a great place to visit, but not to live. After coming up here for Memorial Day, and seeing some of the houses (huge AND affordable), we put a litle thought into it. We really felt that God was calling us up here. The schools are a lot better, and there's hardly any crime! Fast forward to August 1st, and we're on our way up here! It's beautiful up here and VERY green.
So, back to the family. Eden (bottom) and Emma (top). Both of them are very wonderful and CRAZY daughters. We love them very much! Eden is VERY athletic and book smart. She's in sixth grade and is already in a higher level of math than most of the other sixth graders! She's going to middle school, and is loving the transition. Emma is turning two this year, and is walking and babbling. She can say a couple of words like "daddy", "sissy", "what", "please", and "butt", among other things. She's really into animals like dogs, cats, and rabbits (Joy's parents have all of these as pets), but she's also into farm animals and has a huge red barnyard playset in her room.
This is Joy. Yep, she's THAT beautiful. Currently, she's the executive assistant to the President of Willamette University. Sounds cool huh? A little background on Willamette, it's the oldest established university on the west coast, being founded in 1842. Also, it's pronounced Willamette (damnit). She's the gatekeeper to the all powerful (but very down to earth) President. No one gets to see him without giving Joy some candy or coffee. :) She's also pregnant! We're going to be seeing the baby for the first time on October 2nd. And no, we don't want to know what the gender will be this time, so please don't ask.
Yep, that's me. This was taken on my 27th birthday. And yes, I'm THAT awesome... I got a pumpkin pie for my cake!
Currently, I'm working with a couple of partners on a consulting website for outside agents who sell credit card processing. It sounds crazy, but I know it'll work! My other full time job is to watch these crazy kids run around and clean up the messes that they get themselves into!
So that's us in a nutshell. And we're adding another one on the way! Are we crazy or what? We miss everyone a lot, and we all hope that everyone's doing well in their endeavors. Once we get settled into our own place we'll definitely be inviting everyone up for a housewarming party! Thanks for reading! Look out for new postings as well! For now, I'll leave a video of Emma saying "What?".
Take care and God Bless everyone!
nice video :=)
yay! I'm adding your blog to my blog reader. keep in touch!
keep up with TCCBC blog (tricitychinesebaptistchurch.blogspot.com) and my personal/work blog, www.studiomsv.net
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