It's been a long and hectic week! Updates to my new online business are steadily growing and getting better. Emma is just as crazy as she's always been. 
Eden is doing really great in school. We're not sure if we've said this before, but she's already a step up on her fellow sixth graders! She started just like every sixth grader, in Math I. When we met with her math teacher during Back to School Night, even he agreed that she's TOO advanced for Math I and suggested putting her in Math II. The next week, she's in Math II and STILL kicking butt! She recently just took a standardized test to see where her math skills are, and she's halfway between Math II and Math III (which is seventh grade math). Her math teacher is going to give her a higher level book than her other Math II classmates! WAY TO GO EDEN! Here's a shot of her at Willamette University. She's currently doing a Math/Science class on Saturdays. She's looking older and becoming more mature every day!
Joy's been working up a storm lately as well. They had a board of trustees meeting yesterday that still runs through today. She's managed to still wow everyone even while she's pregnant!
Lara recently visited us last weekend (the 4th). Here's how we treated her.
God has definitely been working in our lives to keep us motivated in our day to day activities. We look forward to the coming months and seeing our baby growing inside Joy. One day soon we'll be able to meet him/her!
Thank you all for reading!
sheesh. even when Emma beats up Lara, it's still more attention than what Emma gives me. your NEW baby better not hate me, too.
Great to see you are all doing so well. Eden is soo beutiful! SAy hi to everyone for me.
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