Sophie has been only waking up once in the night for feeding the past few days. This is a huge cause for celebration! We feed her around 10 p.m. and she wakes up around 2:30/3 a.m. to eat and then is up for breakfast around 6/7 a.m. This is just in time since I return to work (part-time) on Tuesday and need as much sleep as I can get. She has increased her feedings to 3 oz. and stretching them out to every 3:30/4 hours. She is due for her next appointment in April.
Nanay and Lolo are back up this week and they will be helping with Sophie and Emma as I return to work and we get back into the groove of everyday life. Once they leave I will be dropping the girls off with my Mom Tues. thru Thurs. and Albert will be watching them on Mondays and Fridays. We will see how this works out since Albert doesn't have that much work to do.
Emma is being a great Ate (older sis in tagalog). I was worried about jealousy setting in but she loves Sophie and doesn't mind sharing Mommy and Daddy. I think it helps that she has an independent attitude and that she has Eden to entertain her as well. There are times she doesn't like sharing Daddy because he carries Sophie and she is used to Daddy carrying her. She has started to talk even more using complete sentences. She identifies things she wants with colors if she doesn't know the word. She had her 2 year check up and impressed the doctor by counting to 10 with a book and by memory. She is 35 inches tall and weighs 25 pounds. She is tall and skinny like Daddy! ^^
Putting her to work early... Helping wash dishes
I was sitting on the floor of her room and I asked her to "help" me up. She took my hand and grunted as she "pulled" me up. She let out a huge sigh, wiped her forehead and came up to me and said... Mommy HEAVY! I didn't even know she knew what the word HEAVY meant let alone know how to imply it to me. I know its true and it is funny because kids will speak the truth without regard to feelings! haha...
Eden has made it on the Honor roll again with a GPA of 3.56 and perfect attendance. She is really taken responsibility of her studies and didn't even want to miss a day even when I had the baby. She has finished reading all of her books for her competition this weekend (March 14th) and is even rereading a few. She was also invited (1 out of 4 students) to participate in a presentation on sustainability on behalf of her school. She has also had a few friends over for a sleepover and made new friends in our new neighborhood.
The other day as my girls were playing outside, I felt so contented watching them. There were no words, just pure satisfaction. This is what I have been searching for, this is what I have wanted, what I wanted to give my family. We have been working so hard to be able to afford a house but not only that, a place where our kids could play without worry, a place to raise our family, a place to call home. We are truly blessed and thank you to all who have helped us make this a reality!
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