Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Yea Yea Yea, I know what you're going to say... "You said you'd update 'tomorrow', it's 4 days since 'tomorrow' happened..." Well guess what, we're people and we get busy (or lazy). Now, onto the update!

Today is April 1st, but it's actually 8 weeks since Sophie entered this world. A lot has happened since then, and she's changing every day for the good!

Our three girls. We tried to mimic a picture that Emma and Eden did around the time Emma was around 3 months.

Sophie is growing a lot. I can barely hold her in my arms because her legs are so long! Emma is saying so many different things it's ridiculous. She can sing the alphabet song, with a little bit of help, and she can say her numbers from 1 to 20! Eden is studious as ever. Her block teacher bribed the class with a pizza party if they do well on their end of the year standardized testing. I don't doubt that she'll be eating pepperoni on the last day of school!

So yes, we DID go to Portland on Friday and it was a BLAST! Our first stop: Voodoo Doughnuts (

They show the doughnuts like this, in a pie display case. The ones you eat are on trays behind the counter. We opted for the Voodoo Dozen, where they pick the ones for you.

Part of the inside of the restaurant. We went to the second location, which is supposedly bigger with ample parking. You can't miss the building, it's on a weird intersection and it's painted in Pepto-Bismol Pink.

I don't think they do deliveries, but I guess Joy took a shot of this to actually prove that we went there. :)

The Voodoo Dozen. Notice in the left-middle the voodoo doughnut. It has a pretzel stick sticking out of it! There's also a "Devil's Chocolate" doughnut complete with red sprinkles and a white frosting pentagram. And of course, the sprinkles! Emma loves sprinkles. We definitely got an odd assortment of doughnuts.

Emma eating her first Voodoo Doughnut. What, did you really think we'd give her the one w/ the pentagram first? She ate that next.

So after our sugar rush, we headed on down to OMSI ( This place is AMAZING. Think of The Exploratorium times 10! We decided to help them out and bought a membership. We also got tickets for their IMAX theater. Emma was wowed by the sheer size of the screen, but got scared once the previews started rolling. I had to bring her to the top of the theater where she calmed down... and fell asleep. Sophie slept through the entire movie. We watched a movie about the ocean off of the coast of Africa. It was about the sardines that live around there and the predators that ate them! It was pretty cool watching the birds dive from 100 feet in the air and dive into the water at over 30 mph! After the movie we went into the hands-on area where Emma and Eden got to play with a whole bunch of gadgets and gizmos.

Eden in a replica spacecraft.

The Sand Pit. Emma DID NOT want to leave this place. Eden got assaulted by a little kid. Not really, this little boy came and took her shovel and said that he needed it. LOL :D

There's a reason to why I look like this. NO, I don't look like this ALL THE TIME! Stop laughing. There was a guy in the sand pit sitting on a bench in front of me. He kept bending down to help out his kid who was playing in front of him. I turned that way to look at Emma when I noticed that the sand pit HAD SPRUNG A LEAK! There was a HUGE CRACK IN IT! You catch my drift...

After the sand pit, we entered the Life Science area. Emma got to pet a snake, and look at all these other bugs and frogs that were in the area. They had a very interesting exhibit about pregnancy and the stages of fetal development. It was created by the same person who made those Body Worlds exhibits. They had actual fetuses that were encased in some kind of liquid starting from 4 weeks to 32 weeks. Joy and I walked through the exhibit holding Sophie, and it was surreal to think that this is what our kids went through inside of Joy. There was a sign in the front that told us that these were real fetuses, and that they died of natural causes. There was also another sign beneath it that said to not take any pictures or video... Joy did... But I'm not posting the pix here! LOL

Our last stop in our Portland trip landed us in the Lloyd Center ( Unfortunately our camera ran out of batteries before we could take any pictures here. This mall boasts three levels of shopping with an indoor ice rink on the main floor! We ran into our realtor who helped get our house! We actually ran into him inside of OMSI as well. We also met up with one of our old church buddies from TCCBC, Justin. He's living in Portland right now doing his residency. It was just so nice to see a familiar face in a sea of strangers!

After seeing Justin and walking around the Lloyd Center for a bit, we headed on home. Sophie and Emma were extremely good angels throughout the entire time we were out. Eden was a doll as usual! We got a little lost trying to find our way home, but our GPS guided us RIGHT to the Rose Garden, which was pretty cool to see up close.

And that's the end of our Portland trip! We look forward to going around and seeing more of it again some time soon.

Thanks for reading everyone.

1 comment:

Joy said...

In my defense, I DID NOT see the second sign that said do not take photos. Honestly!