Sophia finally got into seeing her doctor for her 4 month check up. The first appointment was canceled because her doctor got sick. I know... how can a doctor be sick? Hey were all human. lol Well we are happy to report that she is healthy and growing well. She is on the petite side with her weight coming in at the 10% but her head and body are with in the 50% of infants her age. I was told that you should not worry about weight so much as long as the head and body are growing. The head and the body need the most nourishment and anything left over contribute to the fat on the body (weight). She is displaying all of the milestones for a 6 month and the doctor says she is right on track! Here are her stats:
5 1/2 months
13.3 pounds
23 inches long
can sit up on her own
eating stage 1 foods 3x day
can grab toys with her hands
can switch toys from 1 hand to the other
roll from back to front and front to back
can scoot on tummy and bring legs in to kick out
walk forwards and backwards in walker
has 2 front lower teeth
smile and laugh 24/7

She had to endure 3 shots and one oral immunization. She was a real trooper only crying for about 2 seconds between each shot. I was more sad than she was. She will be back early Sept. for her next appointment. We will keep you posted.
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