Happy Birthday Eden! She's officially 11 years old! Happy Birthday to you!! We celebrated her birthday by having a weekend blast for her. It started off, oddly enough, with Emma and having to clean her room. We put her little Dora tent in her room. It comes with a mesh tunnel that she can crawl through. Needless to say, it was ME doing the cleaning, and her doing this...
So onto the party. We celebrated Eden's birthday on Saturday by having some of her friends come over for a sleepover! Aubrey and Holly came over and they had a great time. They watched movies, ate pizza, and had cake! Thank you Grandpaw for the yummy cake! It was a very DELICIOUS gift!
We even set up the karaoke mic that my parents "left" at the house. And although the girls didn't use it, Emma and I did!
Mr. DJ!! Mr. DJ!! You don't believe me? Try to listen to the video..
After all of the events of a great night, Eden opened up her presents from Joy and me and her friend Holly. She received a DVD player and a High School Musical 3 CD/DVD combo from Joy and me, and her friend Holly gave her two comics and a wind-up dancing robot. Eden has really great friends!
Sunday Morning was a real treat. Her friends left at 9, which was REAL early for them, since they were still up around Midnight the night before. Eden's grandparents had a really great surprise for her birthday...
Granted, it was foggy when we left Sunday Morning, and really cold (it was around the low 50s), it was a great day to go to the beach. There was hardly anyone there, and the sun was still out. We went to Seaside, Oregon, which is (obviously) on the coast. It's about 20-25 miles south of Astoria, which is at the very top of Oregon. This is where the famous explorers Lewis and Clark ended their trail. We headed down to the beach so Eden and Emma could play in the sand. Then we walked down to the street shops to see what they have.
One of the main streets near the beach held a lot of tourist shops and rides and stuff. They had a carousel that Emma wanted to ride on. Guess which animal she chooses to ride on...
Note the HUGE smile on her face. This one doesn't go up and down though, which she likes better than the ones that do. After the carousel, she just HAD to ride on this...
This was the FUNNIEST thing to watch. If you watch the video, you'll see part of what I'm talking about. The train goes around 4 laps around the track. On the third lap, the car that Eden and Emma were on jumped the track and the wheels came off for a bit. No one was hurt, but the guy had to stop the ride and put back on the track. SO GHETTO! LOL! Everyone on the train got a free lap for that incident.
After that we walked back to the beach. Here are more pictures.
These next pictures are by far my favorite ones of the girls. They came out really nice!
Time to go home, Emma!
We had such a great time in Seaside. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpaw for a wonderful time!
Lastly, to all of our family and friends all over. We miss you and love you. Eden and Emma have one last thing to tell you all:
1 comment:
can you make the pictures clickable? i want to make some pictures my background at work.
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