Hi everyone...
This post has been long overdue and in our absence realized just how popular our family updates have become. Thank you all for reading and taking an interest in our lives. Lets begin...
Since Eden's birthday, we prepared for our "surprise" journey back down to the Bay Area. The whole week we could think of nothing but seeing missed family and friends, local eateries and fav. places to visit, and enjoying the nice California weather. We were in secret conversations with Inay about this visit since it was intended to surprise EVERYONE which dwindled down to just surprising Papa Abet since someone told someone who then told someone else we were coming. (those names will be withheld but you know who you are) LOL
Tuesday- We made our departure early that morning on the day of Papa Abet's birthday and arrived early to surprise him for dinner. On the way down we had a chance to visit with my sister since she was driving UP to Oregon for Turkey day. It was so nice to squeeze in that visit as well. We had a great surprise and enjoyed dinner. We went to the Nav's house for dessert (sort of... I suggest staying away from the apricot/mango ice cream from Rite Aide, *cough Inay*) and surprised them as well. That evening we had a fun time figuring out where everyone was going to sleep. Eden slept in Inay's room and Mommy and Emma got the futon and Daddy got the floor... hehe
Wednesday- was the big Costco run to prepare for Thanksgiving since Campos Sr. was hosting this year. We got in and grabbed what we need along with the Happy Birthday cake for Papa, Eden, and Emma. There were so many people there. Lets just say it was not the same Costco experience we have in Salem. I noticed people down in the Bay Area are more aggressive and demanding... I got cut in line and given the evil eye while waiting for a sample... I got lost in the sea of people in Costco. The original plan was for Albert and the girls to go and get the cake and Mama and I were to wait for them in line. I turned my back for a second and I lost Mama. Come to find out she decided to make a stop and look at the books. /sigh ... oh Mama! LOL
The weather was horrible, rained all day. Inay came home early and we went and ate at our FAV place for noodles, VH in Ranch 99 in Albany. It was soooooo yummy. After that we got our boba fix on. Can't find boba in Salem. =(
That evening Albert and I were invited to a pre-thanksgiving potluck. It was great to see Myk, Bobby, Jon and others there but talk about feeling a bit out of place. I know Albert and I are a bit ahead of our other friends (marriage, kids) but being the only preggers among young single adults made me feel soooooo old. It reminded me of the scene in Knocked Up where the older sis tries to take Higel's character to a club and she is like 7 months pregnant. Hahaha. I also got to try my first Turdunkin (spelling?). It was very good I do have to say. The sleeping arrangement that night was Daddy and Emma on the futon, Eden on the floor, and Mommy on the couch.
Thursday- Thanksgiving... We watched the Macy's parade and cleaned the house. Lots to cook and get ready. Everyone started showing up around 5 and also brought presents for the girls. Eden and Emma had fun opening gifts and visiting with family. Emma told her dinosaur story, her carousel story where she rode "daddy", sang the wheels on the bus song, and danced. She was the life of the party. I am so thankful for all the blessing God has given us this past year and for the new blessing He is creating inside of me.

Friday- Newark/Fremont/Mt. View/Milpitas day. Also the day that my Gma Belle turned 93! It was nostalgic to drive down to Newark/Fremont. It seemed like it was another day driving "home" after visiting San Pablo. We took our usual route and exited Dumbarten bridge, cut through Jarvis, and drove past our old apartment. We drove past Eden's old school, Albert's old job, took our car to get fixed, and headed to Mt. View for the best ramen in the Bay, Ryowa. We found this place thanks to yelp. Yelp is a good tool but hasn't helped us out so much in the Salem area though, whomp. We met up with the Aunts and Uncles and got treated to some good ol' fashion Filipino food. We ate crispy pata, fresh lumpia, sinigong, rice, sisig.... Boy was it good! We were all so full we had to head to the Great Mall and work it off at Dave and Busters. This was Emma's first time and she went CRAZY! Now every time she sees an arcade she thinks we are at D&B. How can anyone not love all the lights and buttons to push... It was her ultimate playground. She ran around screaming Yes! Yes! It was so cute, you had to be there to see it. Sleeping arrangements, Eden and Emma on the futon, mommy and daddy on the couch.

Saturday- We went to Ikea since they were having a huge sale... I know, I know... Us shopping in California seems ridiculous but we went anyway. While we were there we picked up a few items for Emma for xmas from her Lolo and Lola. We ate lunch at Kamakuras in Alameda and topped it off with ice cream from tuckers! The rest of the day we rested since our trip was coming to an end and we were getting ready to leave the next day. I was determined to get a good night sleep so mommy and daddy on the futon, Emma and Eden in Tita's room! Ha!
Sunday- We woke up and ate a little breakfast, it was time to go home. We loaded up the van, packed the kids, and said goodbye. Not a minute later we got a call from Inay saying we left Eden's shoes, we turned around and picked them up. Another goodbye and were off. Again another call from Inay and she said we forgot something else... Nice try, Inay... not playing that game anymore. LOL
The trip back seemed to take forever, more traffic, grumpy Emma, and just anxious to get home and out of the car. 10-11 hour car trip can do that to you. We made our usual stops at Starbucks in Willows, rest stop near Mt. Shasta, get a quick bite to eat in Weed. We also got to meet up with my sis again. Albert was a trooper driving all the way down and back again. He is such a great husband!

Monday- Happy 2nd Birthday Emma. Our precious Emma has turned 2 and boy does she know what birthdays are all about. She said Happy all day long and tried to sing along with us when her cake came out. My mom made her yummy mac and cheese (one of Emma's fav foods) and we had a great time celebrating. My mom also make her a white cake with animal crackers all around to make it look like a carousel. Emma loved it! The cutest thing was when she took her tambourine and placed a tower of Lego blocks on top and walked over to me singing "happy... happy" She made a birthday cake for me and wanted me to blow out the candle. She is so smart and sweet!

I think this brings you up to speed for now. I do have my doctor's appointment tomorrow in which I will have to take another glucose test. Please keep me in your prayers and I will let you know what happens. Thank you all for reading!
thanks for starting off with that picture, ate... feeling the love. hahahaha
you forgot the MOCHI BALLS!!!!!!
hahahaha just kidding. it was wonderful spending thanksgiving with you guys :]
miss you all!
Nikki or Inay... I don't have any pictures of our yoswirl night. Can you guys send me some and I will post it... Can't forget the Mochi balls! LOL
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