Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Day at the Park

For the past couple of days we've had really good weather (finally!). We celebrated the return of the sun by going outside and having a nice family picnic at a nearby park. This park is also right next to Pringle Elementary, where Emma and Sophie will be going to school. All the pictures and videos you see of the family are actually on the Pringle Elementary school grounds.

This was taken AFTER I was took a video. The video actually has both Joy and Emma looking at the camera with huge open mouths like they're about to go down. After telling them that I was taking a video, I switched to camera mode, which they then went DOWN the slide. A bit backwards, no?

Joy's Fear Factor moment. :) She was "exaggerating" for Emma, but it was funny nonetheless.

Emma going down the slide by herself. She loves going down slides, but HATES swings. Go figure...

So after the park, since it was still nice out (about 70 degrees around 6PM), we decided to wash the cars. By washing we mean, Joy and I do the work, and Emma plays in the water. Sophie fell asleep in her car seat (as usual) and Eden went to another park to see her friends.
Emma in the "rain". Any type of water falling from the sky to her is rain. She also takes a shower in the "rain". Needless to say, she got DRENCHED.

Here's how she got drenched.

Sophie has been ridiculous since the last time we updated. She had her two month checkup on Monday the 6th. She got three shots and had to take a fourth one orally. Poor Sophie! But she got the last laugh. She was lying down while the nurse attendant was trying to give her the oral medicine. She dropped in a little bit, but Sophie smiled and let it dribble down her chin. The nurse cleaned her up, and proceeded to do it again. She pushed a little down on Sophie's chest to get a better angle for her to drink, when all of a sudden... BLEH! Sophie threw up all of her formula that she just drank. I laughed, but the nurse didn't. :D

Sophie being Sophie.

Smiling Sophie.

Pensive Sophie.

AHHHH!!! Emma trying to eat the Mama!
Eden and Emma sunbathing out on the deck. That's aluminum foil if you're wondering.

Lastly, Happy Easter everyone! Thanks for reading!


Unknown said...

"Emma! Help!"
"I coming mama!"
"...Emma, I'm over here."

classic. totally love it! you have the most awesomest babies.

Unknown said...

Sophie!! I cannot wait to meet her!!!! Your babies are awesome.