Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary, Congrats to Eden, and Baby Shower! What a day!

Today marks the 8th year anniversary of Albert and my relationship. We met on Dec. 15th at Starbucks, went on our somewhat first date to the movies with Inay and Nikki on Jan. 3rd and became an official couple on Jan. 8th, 2001. We have always celebrated this day as our "original" anniversary with the addition of our wedding anniversary. It has been a wonderful and growing courtship and marriage. We knew very early on that it was love at first sight and it has continued to be this way. God has truly blessed me by providing such a great husband and father. Albert, I love you!

Eden shared some great news today. Her reading team beat all the other teams at school in their reading competion and now are headed off to regionals for another round of competions in March. She will have to read 15 books from an approved list and her and her team must answer questions realted to the books they have read. We are all so proud of her and how well she is doing both at school and at home. She is a great daughter and the best older sister any one can have!

My co-workers are throwing me a baby shower today. I am excited since technically this is my "first" baby shower. I have gone into pre-term labor with both Eden and Emma which squashed baby shower plans. I am impressed I have made it this long without any problems. I will update after the shower. Stay tuned!

I had a great time at my shower. I received lots of great gifts for the baby. I received a couple of cute blankets and clothes, a set of colorful monkey socks, shoes, and a gift card to Target. My mother, grandmother, Albert, and the girls attended and all had a great time. I had my doctor's appointment the next day and everything is going well. The baby is growing on track and I am doing fine.


Anonymous said...

i still remember yours and kuyas first date. "miss congeniality" with his little sister and little cousin. how romantic. HAHAHA jk.
and i remember you kept kicking my chair. gooooood tiiiiiimes.

anyways, congratulations to you and kuya. and TO EDEN! i'm so proud of her :] and hi to emma! i miss you all. love you.

Joy said...

Yeah, I remember that day well too. I got to the movies late and I stood in the back of the theater trying to look for you guys. I was looking for a tall guy with 2 girls but Albert was sitting low in his seat with you and Inay in front of us. LOL. Good times!